Age of Arth13 Super Smash Brothers Melee with Rivals of Aether II
A tournament hosted by and celebrating Arthie, as he turns 13, and as a thank you to the Colorado Melee community for all of your ongoing support, including sponsorship for next month’s GenesisX2.
Location: Smetch Rat Social Club, 1840 Skyway Dr Unit E, Longmont, CO, 80504
Jan 16, doors open at 5pm
Registration closes at 5:30pm
Register at the door or online:
Rivals 2: start at 6pm
Melee doubles: start at 6:30pm
Melee singles: start at 7pm
We need setups! $2 venue discount for a full setup, Rivals or Melee
$5 venue fee,
$5 Melee singles,
$2 each/doubles,
$3 rivals 2
Pot paid out to the top 3 in each event, 55/30/15
Rules Melee: Stadium is FROZEN, Wobbling is banned. All sets are to be played as bo3 until Top 8, then bo5. Pause is to be set to off - any incidental pauses would under rule result in the forfeiture of the current and next stock. Ledge Grab Limit 45 in the case of timeouts. For other rules refer to an accepted major ruleset.
Rivals 2: Every stage is legal and we will be using the built-in B03/BO5 system. Sets will be BO3 until top 8 where they will be BO5