SMETCH RAT Social Club

Welcome to Smetch Rat Social Club

Your gaming home away from home.  At our core, we are a group of gaming enthusiasts, united by our shared passion and excitement for a diverse range of games.

We pride ourselves on being member-funded, a testament to the strong bond and collective spirit that fuels our club. It's this unique blend of camaraderie and enthusiasm that makes Smetch Rat Social Club a special place.

Our clubhouse is not just a space; it's a pulsating hub where members come together to celebrate their love of games. It's here that we host an array of events, ranging from beginners Learn to Play events all the way up to Competitive Leagues and Tournaments.

Our goal? To expand our community by fostering new players and nurturing their skills in a welcoming, inclusive environment, all while breaking down the barriers to entry for the games we adore.  This philosophy is at the heart of everything we do, creating a space where fun, friendship, and a shared love for games reign supreme.

Join us at Smetch Rat Social Club, where every roll of the dice, every move on the board, and every adventure is a step towards building a more vibrant, inclusive gaming community. Let's play, grow, and celebrate our passion for games together!